
“作为一名分娩护士, 我学到了很多关于生产过程的知识, 当我有了自己的两个孩子, I gained greater understanding and empathy towards the challenges facing new mothers.” 

当她敬爱的外祖父死于癌症时, 妮可·林奇在他床边待了很长时间, 她尽她所能地帮忙, but also observing the different professionals that made up his care team. It didn’t take her long to realize that it was the nurses who provided him with the most compassionate and engaging care, 并发誓有一天她也会成为一个.  

Lynch started on the path to becoming a nurse by attending Marquette University in Wisconsin, and quickly discovered that she loved the profession and wanted to go further with it. 在做产房护士的时候, she earned her master’s degree as a clinical nurse specialist with a focus on obstetrics and community nursing. 希望能教授护理学, Lynch continued her education to earn her doctorate in practical nursing, 或DNP, a terminal degree that she completed at Rush University in Chicago, 伊利诺斯州. 

有幸接受了这么好的教育, Lynch embarked on the path of teaching with the commitment that her students get the benefit of her university education, 丰富的护理实践经验, 还有她祖父床边的观察. 这三点启发了林奇的教学方法, which incorporates academic excellence with experiential learning and a compassionate and empathetic focus on each individual patient. Recognizing that every student has a unique learning style, her teaching incorporates interactive lab work and hands-on training combined with academic rigor to help all students thrive in the classroom. 

林奇让她的课与讲故事有关, sharing tales from her many years as a nurse in labor and delivery, and from her own experiences of depression and anxiety as a new mother. She encourages her students to meet patients where they are, sitting down when possible to communicate with them at eye level. 在她作为副教授的角色中. Lynch works closely with her students while continuing to act as an ardent advocate for clients with postpartum depression and victims of domestic violence and human trafficking. She supports these causes through volunteering, advocacy, and faculty development initiatives.




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