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Alumni Spotlight: 

Q&A with Reese Abbene

California School of Education at Alliant International University

MAE in School Psychology with Pupil Personnel Services Credential, Online Campus

Professional Information 


Q: How did your Alliant experience contribute to your career growth?

A: I was continuously impressed by the caliber of experience and professionalism of the professors.  They were incredibly knowledgeable and because they were actively working in the field, the level of praxis they brought to classes was consistently strong.  Also, I found that many of my professors were available as mentors afterhours.  During my internship, I was able to reach out to a few of my professors to glean additional insight that helped me troubleshoot.  They were willing to pick up the phone and provide invaluable guidance.  They were, in a sense, modeling what great school psychologists do every day - reach out to each other to get different perspectives so that we can ensure we are comprehensively and creatively assessing kids and ensuring their needs are met.  


A: The kids! To have a front seat to the life of a child who is working through a disability is inspiring and humbling.  I am honored, each day, by the children I serve and am so grateful to be able to hold their hand as they grow.  我也喜欢我的角色充满活力.  Being a school psychologist integrates so many facets - we are part administrator, part therapist, part coach, 既是老师又是法律专家.  Each new child presents a new challenge and I find the unfolding complexity of cases to be fun and compelling.  Also, I enjoy working with a team of professionals who are knowledgeable, compassionate, and driven to help children progress in spite of their differences.  


A:我的孩子是我每天的灵感来源. I show up for the kids at my school the way I would want other adults to be there for my own kids.  I have a nine-year-old daughter, a seven-year-old daughter, and a two-year-old son.  A value I try to instill in them is to be a helper and an advocate to those who need you to show up for them.  The best way I can teach them this is to show them this value through my own work.  


A:  Network!  Say, "Yes," to opportunities to connect with people in your community.  参加社区活动,结识朋友.  Volunteer.  So many doors have been opened in my life from volunteering in my community - you meet great people, get connected to worthy organizations and help to understand ways in which you can use your talent to make a positive impact.  引用尼尔·西蒙的话:“他们是这个世界的观察者.  And there are doers.  守望者坐着看实干家的行为."  Get out and do!

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