

Hate, genocide, totalitarianism…three chilling notions all expressed by one sign— the Nazi salute. The dangerous salute was parading down Europe’s de facto capital this weekend; and is the explicit opposite of what a community needs to root out terrorism.

在布鲁塞尔恐怖袭击之后, the Place de la Bourse has been made in to a makeshift memorial for the 35 dead, 300名伤者. 昨天, a vigil for these victims was attacked by a group of anti-immigrant protesters who stomped the flowers honoring the victims, 斥责哀悼者, 并反复行纳粹礼.

The most impactful preventative measure society can take against terrorism begins with the most vulnerable communities.

我们必须反对这种宣传. We need an open dialogue with the communities that are targets of recruitment by any terrorist organizations…the more isolated they are the more vulnerable they are.

特纳 contends that the most vital asset in terrorist organizations tool belts, 他们的政策是孤立地训练他们的成员吗. The only way they can be successful in radicalizing their members is to be the only voice in their ears crowding out dissenting voices of peace and tolerance.

Many contend that one reason Europe is more vulnerable and a more effective breeding ground for radicalism is the inherent nature of cultural detachment. Many European communities are segmented with immigrant populations separated in cultural ghettos, 造成了危险的明显分化.  If someone doesn’t feel like part of a community, a society— they are more likely to turn against it.

A few years ago when tensions between Putin and American leadership were flaring up, 英联的国际和多元文化教育, 研究, 干预, and Training Initiative) reached out to our Russian students just to make sure that they didn’t feel awkward being in the U.S. while there was this big dust up between us and Putin…why can’t we do that with all communities? 这是我们对抗激进宣传泛滥的最好机会.

It is a well-known fact that ISIS has murdered more Muslims than Westerners of any or no faith and it is a widely-accepted belief that instead of blame, 弱势社区需要帮助. The discussion of immigrant policy need to occur in an atmosphere of understanding and tolerance which recognizes there are many legitimate issues on both sides which regular careful thought and analysis.  In place of hate rhetoric, there need to be rebuttals to extremist propaganda. 而不是恐惧, there should be an acceptance that— in the end— we are all more alike than we are different.

美国是一个巨大的宽容实验, 这是我们需要在全世界培养的独特性. We all need to work together to reach out to the targets of radicalization, because it’s hard to vilify people when you realize that they are like you. 大多数人只是想让他们的孩子过上更好的生活. If we can foster an open dialogue and accepting culture, we can give them that life.


詹姆斯·T. 特纳, PhD is a Professor at 阿连特国际大学’s 加州 School for Forensic Studies and has managed thousands of threat cases over the course of his thirty year career.  他有反恐调查的经验, 操作心理学, 政治暴力问题.

Dr. 特纳是美国人。.S. Army veteran and has served as a consultant to a variety of organizations such as the Defense Intelligence Agency, 国防部, 能源部, 核威胁计划, 国土安全部, 特勤局, 货币监理官, 微软, 希捷技术, 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley), 和微软.




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