

Clinical training in a supportive, 结构化, 和 multidisciplinary environment.

加州心理学实习联合会致力于提供示范性临床培训的支持, 结构化, 和 multidisciplinary environment that allows trainees to offer a broad range of supervised psychological services to diverse communities. 

Each Consortium partner anchors in this mission to support the provision of a consistent, quality-assured training experience 和 to realize the following aims:

目标1: 在卫生服务心理学方面提供广泛和一般的培训,重点是循证实践.

目标2: To prepare psychology interns to competently address the needs of diverse, underserved populations, including forensic populations, transient populations, 青少年, 年轻的成年人, 和 those with severe 和 persistent mental illness.

目标3: 通过批判性思维的应用,使实习生融入卫生服务心理学专业, 同情, ethical decision-making, 自我反省, 宣传, 和 a commitment to life-long learning.

To learn more about the specific populations 和经验s offered at each site, please click the links below.

Alvarado Parkway Institute Behavioral Health System

Internship Training Placements Available: 3



Alvarado Parkway Institute Behavioral Health System (API) is an inpatient 和 outpatient psychiatric facility serving adults diagnosed primarily with Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, 双相情感障碍, 主要 Depressive Disorder, 创伤障碍, 焦虑性障碍, 和 Substance Use Disorders. 除了, API treats first responders as well as forensic patients.


Interns work in both of the inpatient 和 outpatient settings 和 provide group therapy, psychoeducation groups, short-term individual therapy, 危机干预, self-harm intervention plans, harm-to-others intervention plans, domestic violence assessment 和 safety planning, 行为计划, 和 psychological assessments. 实习生每天参加住院和门诊多学科治疗小组会议. They are often called upon to provide trainings for 工作人员 members 和 for external entities as part of community 外展. 治疗包括创伤知情护理重点和团体和个人治疗通常使用印度生物技术部技能, 认知行为治疗, 和 Seeking Safety protocols.

Special Requirements of Applicants:


Aurora Behavioral Healthcare/圣地亚哥

Internship Training Placements Available: 8



Aurora Behavioral Healthcare/圣地亚哥 is a full service 行为al health care facility providing a variety of inpatient, 天治疗, 和 outpatient services for the 圣地亚哥, Imperial 和 Southern Riverside County area. Aurora 圣地亚哥 has been an inpatient psychiatric facility (101 beds) for seniors (55+), 成年人(18岁以上), 青少年 (12+) 和 children (5-12), Active Duty Military, 和 First Responders for over 30 years.  除了 to inpatient services, Aurora provides partial hospitalization (天治疗, PHP)和针对青少年和成人(包括现役军人)的强化门诊(lOP)项目, 和 First Responders.


Interns provide direct patient services, including group 和 individual psychotherapy, 家庭治疗, 夫妻治疗, 和 psychological assessment. They participate in treatment teams with other clinical 工作人员 和 programs when required.  They cooperate with others within 和 outside the department, coordinating work efforts 和 offer assistance to others when necessary.

Those on the Military 和 First Responder tracks will in addition underst和 和 become competent in Military 和 First Responder culture 和 the different treatments for specific needs 和 issues of these unique populations.Those working with children, 青少年, 和 seniors will also become proficient in developmental issues across the lifespan.

Special Requirements of Applicants:


Department of State Hospitals – Coalinga

Internship Training Placements Available: 4



DSH-C specializes in the treatment of Sexually Violent Predators (WIC 6600), Mentally Disordered Offenders (PC 2972), 和 加州 Department of Corrections 和 Rehabilitation (CDCR) Mentally Ill Prisoners (PC 2684). The Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) population is the largest sub-section of the DSH-C population. The Mentally Disordered Offenders (MDO) are the second largest sub-section of the population with the Mentally Ill Prisoners (MIP) populating a single unit. The facility includes 30 living units, a psychological assessment center, 诊所, treatment 和 education group areas, arts 和 crafts workshops, 音乐中心, a graphic arts center, 计算机实验室, 和 a patient library.


  1. Units 旋转 – Interns will participate in two 5 1/2 month long rotations on a unit. Interns can be assigned to rotations working with the SVP 和 MDO populations. Rotation duties can include, but are not limited to, intake assessments (beat365手机版官方网站 Psychological Assessment, Suicide Risk Assessment, DSM 5 Assessment Measures, 心理学 sections of the patient’s Treatment Plan), Treatment Plan Conferences with the goal of serving as team lead, updating Treatment Plans, carrying a small caseload of patients, 和 providing short-term individual therapy as clinically warranted. 请注意,单位轮换可以根据工作人员的可用性和程序开发工作而改变.
  2. Assessment Rotation– Interns will further develop their test 政府 skills, clinical interviewing 和 test feedback skills, 诊断技能, report writing/test integration skills, 和 咨询 skills with Treatment Team members. Interns will also have the opportunity to be exposed to new testing instruments, including being trained in 和 conducting violence risk assessments under supervision.

  3. Therapy Rotation – Interns will provide individual 和 group therapy for the population. A caseload of individual therapy patients will be assigned for the duration of the year. All individual therapy clients will be referred by their Treatment Team 和 screened by a member of the Internship Committee for consideration for the program. Interns will be assigned to a Sex Offender Treatment 程序 (SOTP) group for the duration of the internship year 和 will co-facilitate additional groups, 作为分配.


Special Requirements of Applicants:

这是可取的 that applicants have prior forensic experience 和 be able to demonstrate appropriate boundaries working in this therapeutic environment. Applicants must be able to pass a DOJ/FBI background check, state employment physical, 药物筛选. 所有的实习机会都取决于成功完成就业前的筛选. Although legal, marijuana 和 alcohol can result in disqualifying drug screen for state service.

All applicants must submit an original state application to be considered for an interview.

除了 to the APPI application materials, applicants applying to DSH-Coalinga must submit the state application, 表格STD 678, no later than November 15th.  Please contact the site training director at 凯瑟琳.Sanchez@dsh.ca.政府 for the links to the current year’s application.  Please note that two applications will be required, one for the exam 和 one for the vacancy.  These forms are required in order to secure an interview 和 are in addition to the requirements outlined in the general APPI process. Per rules set by the 加州 State Personnel Board, all applicants must submit a st和ard State of 加州 application (STD 678) This application should be completed online. STD 678 is not to be uploaded with the APPI. APPIC has approved the use of the STD 678 as an additional document for 加州 Department of State Hospital internships.

Porterville Developmental Center

Internship Training Placements Available: 2

Stipend: $41,976, health insurance, vision/dental coverage, vacation/sick time are also provided


Porterville Developmental Center (PDC) is one of the few remaining 加州 state-operated facilities that serve people with developmental disabilities. The center provides 24-hour residential services for individuals who are developmentally disabled 和 have serious medical 和/or 行为al problems for which appropriate services are not currently available through community resources. PDC also serves developmental disabled individuals who have been involved with the legal system, 主要是那些被认为没有能力接受审判的人,以及那些对自己和/或他人构成危险的人.法医项目接待了211名客户,并为有高需求的客户指定了强化治疗住所.


Continuity Rotation – This is a longitudinal rotation where the intern is assigned a “home” unit with a small set caseload.The intern will carry this caseload throughout the internship 和 provide all psychological services related to the case, including but not limited to: individual therapy, 危机干预s, functional 行为al assessment, 行为al treatment plans, 和 行为 management restrictive intervention documentation.The intern will be immersed into the interdisciplinary team on the home unit 和 attend individual program plan meetings, individual educational plan meetings, meetings regarding emerging risks, 还有关于行为干预的会议,比如精神药物和身体约束.

Behavior Management Rotation – This is a 4-month rotation where the intern works closely with the Behavior Management Committee 和 Human Rights Committee to review 和 approve/disapprove requests for restrictive interventions such as psychotropic 药物治疗s 和 restraints.

Forensic Evaluations Rotation – This is a 4-month rotation where the intern learns to assess competency to st和 trial 和 submits a formal progress report to the courts.If desired, forensic evaluation experience may extend beyond this rotation.

过渡轮岗——这是一个为期4个月的轮岗,实习生将在此期间学习安置流程. The intern works with the interdisciplinary team to consider various individualized factors pertinent to the client’s potential for success in a less restrictive environment.


Special Requirements of Applicants:

Applicants who match with the site must submit an original state application, pass a background check, 和 pass physical/medical clearance.

San Quentin State Prison

Internship Placements Available: 4



SQSP is 加州’s oldest 和 best-known correctional institution within the 加州 Department of Corrections 和 Rehabilitation (CDCR). The prison houses approximately 4,包括一个行政隔离单位和认可的“主流”人口单位. It is also the state’s only death row facility for male condemned inmates 和 has a licensed Psychiatric Inpatient 程序 for the condemned population as well as a Mental Health Crisis Bed unit. There are approximately 1,200 inmate/patients in the Mental Health 程序 at San Quentin, which includes seriously mentally disordered inmate/patients 和 mildly to 温和的ly mentally disordered inmate/patients. Diagnoses include psychotic 和 mood disorders, 焦虑性障碍, personality disorders, 和 adjustment disorders, along with chronic substance abuse, 药物治疗, 和 treatment compliance issues, as well as cognitive 和 developmental disabilities. Inmate/patients represent considerable diversity in 文化, ethnic, 和 socioeconomic backgrounds.


圣昆廷监狱的实习采用了包括诊断性摄入评估在内的多重轮换模式, Suicide Risk Assessments, Diagnostic Formulations, 和 preliminary Treatment Plan formulation. These assessments are to be done weekly 和 continue throughout 

The internship year also includes training in Individual Treatment, which will continue throughout the year 和 includes long 和 short-term therapy utilizing a variety of evidence-based modalities. 在不同的拘留级别上,接受个别治疗的囚犯/病人的精神病理程度从轻微到严重不等. Interns are usually given an opportunity to work with a condemned inmate/patient 和 may have the opportunity to work with patients in the Administrative Segregation unit, 等待可用性. Interns will also participate in Interdisciplinary Treatment Team Meetings.

The internship includes an ongoing Group Treatment Rotation. Group treatment will include inmate/patients with mild, 温和的, 和 severe psychopathology at various custody levels. 可以使用各种主题,包括心理教育/教学小组和过程小组.

The internship year will include ongoing full battery assessment training in which interns will further develop their test 政府 和 clinical interviewing skills, 诊断技能, test data integration skills 和 report writing, as well as providing feedback of test results to the treatment team 和 inmate/patient. Interns may also have the opportunity to complete pre-sentencing, risk assessment reports of a forensic nature for the court. Interns are expected to complete at least four integrated assessment reports during the year.

Interns will be given an opportunity to provide supervision to practicum students in either a group or individual supervision format under the guidance of a licensed supervisor.

Interns will participate in weekly case conference seminar, with each trainee presenting cases on a rotating basis. Emphasis will be placed on case formulation, transference issues 和 文化 considerations. Interns will also participate in weekly in-house didactic seminar on a variety of topics. This didactic is in addition to the biweekly didactics organized through the consortium.

Interns will also participate in all CDCR m和ated trainings. 其中包括在实习的第一个月内进行的入职培训, 以及40小时的必要培训,以便能够使用我们的电子健康记录系统. 这些培训是强制性的,是在培训和评估团队的内部培训之外进行的.

Please note that some of the training opportunities may change based on 工作人员 availability 和 changes in the institution or CDCR policy.

Special Requirements of Applicants 

Applicants must be able to pass a background check, state employment physical, 药物筛选. 所有的实习机会都取决于成功完成就业前的筛选. Although legal, marijuana 和 alcohol can result in disqualifying drug screen for state service.

必须事先接受评估/心理测试及临床面试的培训及/或课程. 这是可取的, 但没有必要, for the applicant to have had some exposure to forensic/correctional psychology. Applicants should be able to demonstrate appropriate boundaries in the therapeutic setting, closely utilize supervision, 和 adhere to safety 和 security regulations of the institution. The qualified applicant should be open to underst和ing this unique population, including exploration of transference 和 countertransference issues, as well as possess an interest in introspection 和 personal growth.

Applicants who match with the site must submit an original state application. The application can be found at: http://jobs.ca.administration/CalHRPublic/Landing/Jobs/Steps.aspx?step=1

State Center Community College District

Internship Placements Available: 6



State Center Community College District (SCCCD) consists of 夫勒斯诺市 City College, Clovis Community College, Madera Community College, 和里德利学院. SCCCD心理服务方案的目的是满足入学学生的心理健康需求. 心理服务为学生和校园社区提供一系列服务,例如:心理治疗, 危机干预, psychological assessment, 咨询, 外展, 和 primary prevention. A wide range of psychological problems are addressed with students from varied socio-economic backgrounds; the majority being ethnic minorities from low SES many of which are addressing 文化 identity 和 stress related issues.


Direct Services Component: The in-service training for the Direct Services component consists of five major areas 和 interns are expected to have experience in these areas: (a) Psychotherapy, (b)团体治疗, (c) Crisis Intervention, 和 (d) Psychological Assessment. 


Brief 和 Individual Therapy:

Brief therapy is a relatively short-term intervention that is applicable to individual counseling, 家庭治疗, 危机干预, institutional management, 和 organizational development. 实习生和员工利用广泛的客户培训来实现有效和预期的目标. The brief therapy model delineates (1) four to six sessions of supportive therapy; (2) an extension of services under emergency conditions, or when a referral is pending; or (3) referral to other agencies for clients requiring further treatment not offered at the Psychological Service Center (i.e., inpatient drug treatment services, 等.)

Long-Term 心理治疗: 

工作人员和实习生为客户提供长期的心理治疗,他们将从这种治疗方式中受益. Interns are encouraged to carry (typically) 5 long-term clients during their internship year. 这使实习生能够利用更长期的治疗方法来完善和发展治疗技能, such as Psychoanalytic, 附件, 对象关系, 等. 


A variety of group therapy sessions are offered. Group sessions are conducted by interns 和 other clinical 工作人员. Over the years many different groups have been run to meet the need of the students, such as Art Therapy Groups, Anxiety Focused Groups, 过程组, 念力集团, 梦想组, ”+组, Self-Compassion Groups, 和 College Adjustment Groups.

Crisis Intervention:

A coordinated team approach is utilized to effectively deal with on-campus crisis situations. Interns participate as members of the Crisis Intervention Team, which includes psychologists, 训练有素的辅导员, 区警方, 和 nursing services. 

Psychological Assessment:

Psychological Services is responsible for overseeing testing 和 assessment for the State Center Community College District. This responsibility is shared by the interns, the Disabled Students 程序 工作人员, the Counseling 程序 工作人员, 和 Psychological Services. Testing 和 assessment involves preventive 和 direct service programs. Preventive programs focus on testing associated with personal growth, 自我理解, attentional difficulties, 和 learning disability. Direct services are related to the identification of psychopathology 和 involve psychological assessment in order to obtain mental status, make differential diagnosis, develop a treatment plan, 和 answer referral questions or make appropriate referrals as needed. Tests currently employed are the WAIS-IV, MMPI-3, MCMI-IV, 答, 罗夏测验的, RISB-II, 渺位, CPT-3, 和 many more psychological screeners.

Many of the referral questions addressed at Psychological Services are diagnostic clarification, 多动症的评估, treatment recommendations, 和ego-functions. 

Additional Experiences:

Preventive Service Component: Preventive services consists of four areas: (1) 咨询, (2) dispersion of information, (3)推广, 和 (4) referral network assistance. 预防服务部分的在职培训将侧重于上述四个领域中的每一个领域. 

咨询: 一个持续的解决问题的互动,利用心理学原理和知识,使教师, 政府 和 other 工作人员 to more effectively meet the needs of the college community. Interns participate in 咨询 in two areas: (1) Student-centered, 咨询 where a faculty or 工作人员 member has a work-related problem with a particular student, 和,

程序-centered 咨询 provides input in the areas of instruction, 政府, 和咨询.

Dispersion of Information: Interns participate in the research 和 dissemination of information concerning psychological principles to heighten awareness of faculty 和 政府.

外展: Interns participate in providing a variety of different 外展 services. 例如, in-service trainings for 工作人员/students by utilizing classroom settings for lectures, 讨论, 并举办研讨会,以促进对大学社区重要的心理健康问题的理解.此外, 外展 activities may also take place on the campus grounds or greater 夫勒斯诺市 community 和 take the shape of tabling events 和 collaboration with community organizations such as NAMI. 

Referral Network Assistance: Interns function as referral agents by establishing a liaison relationship with several off-campus resources 和 agency providers assisting the college community when indicated.


Special Requirements of Applicants:


University of 加州-Merced

Internship Placements Available: Not accepting interns for training year 2024-2025.



近8人,000 undergraduate 和 graduate students, UC-Merced offers an environment that combines a commitment to diversity, 包容, collaboration 和 professional development. 与学士, master's 和 doctoral degree programs, strong research 和 academic partnerships, 和 community involvement, the UC-Merced campus is continually evolving 和 requires talented, knowledgeable 和 dynamic educators, 研究人员, management 和 工作人员.


UC Merced Counseling 和 Psychological Services (CAPS) offers a single rotation experience with a diverse student population. The purpose of Counseling 和 Psychological Services is to meet the mental health needs of the UC Merced student population. 博士 level graduate students 和 psychological interns, under licensed supervision, provide clinical services in conjunction with 工作人员. A wide range of psychological disorders including adjustment disorders, mood 和 焦虑性障碍, trauma related disorders, 精神障碍, 人格障碍和物质使用障碍以及与学习成绩有关的问题得到解决, adjustment to college 和 家庭 和 relationships. Interns provide both preventative 和 direct services to the campus community.

Preventative Services include 咨询 和 外展. Interns may provide telephone or in-person 咨询 services to students, 工作人员, faculty 和 parents who are concerned about a student. Interns may also provide 外展 services to the campus community including presentations 和 workshops focused on topics ranging from an introduction to CAPS services, suicide prevention 和 self-care.

Direct Services include psychotherapy, crisis services, case management 和 group therapy. CAPS主要以简短的方式提供心理治疗,除非学生需要持续治疗, 长期护理. Students who present with severe psychological disorders or acute concerns may be provided with case management to ensure safety as well as appropriate support. Interns who are interested in working through a specific problem or goal may be appropriate for brief psychological services ranging from one to six visits. 为有严重心理问题(如自杀倾向)的学生提供即日危机服务. CAPS offers a variety of psychoeducational, 能力建设, process 和 support groups focusing on topics such as anxiety 和 stress management, recovery from alcohol 和 substance use, managing emotions 和 adjustment to college.

Special Requirements of Applicants:


W. Gary Cannon Psychological Service Center

Internship Placements Available: 3



The PSC offers a spectrum of psychological services to the 夫勒斯诺市 community. 博士-level graduate students 和 psychological interns, under licensed supervision, provide all the clinical therapies. Community members can receive individual, 家庭, marital 和 group psychotherapy, 咨询, 和 psychological testing 和 assessment.


Interns are assigned to two year-long rotations offered throughout the training year. 旋转包括:

  1. Batterer’s Intervention 程序

    The Batterers’ Intervention 程序 is a 夫勒斯诺市 和 Kings County Probation certified treatment program to treat court ordered men 和 women who have been convicted of domestic violence or other intimate partner violence (IPV). Our 夫勒斯诺市 program currently treats male clients in six groups. Our Hanford program currently consists of one female client group 和 two male client groups. Groups utilize a combination of psycho-education 和 processing. 客户还被安排在个别评估的基础上接受临床医生的个别治疗.


  2. 孩子 和 Family Rotation

    The 孩子 和 Family rotation follows more of a dynamic orientation. The interventions offered are child centered with the pragmatic goal of helping alleviate symptoms while addressing underlying issues. Case conceptualization follows dynamic orientations of attachment, object relations 和 self-psychology.

    更具体地说, 动态理论被用来理解当前人际关系模式的起源, 行为, 和自我概念. 孩子 centered, relationship based therapy is used as the key to facilitating change. We consider the systems 和 the environments the child 和 their 家庭 are involved with as key to helping underst和 和 work with them on their journey to psychological health. 所有这些都是在共情关注培养的治疗关系的背景下发生的, 和 the assumption that the psyche strives for health. 我们相信,我们的治疗干预仅仅是促进良好心理健康的发展.


  3. Sex Offender/Forensic/认知行为治疗

    This rotation mainly treats juvenile sex offenders in group 和 individual therapy, as well as conducts evaluations that include sexual risk assessment. Other clients 和 programs offered in this rotation include (but are not limited to):

    • Court ordered offenders
    • Non-m和ated sex offenders
    • SAVE 程序 (Sex education)
    • Sex/pornography addictions
    • Distressing paraphilia
    • Treatment for individuals with sexual dysfunctions
    • Clients with a significant or pertinent legal issue
    • Clients who would benefit from a primarily 认知行为治疗/brief/solution-focused intervention.
    • 少年犯纵火预防计划/法院强制-从弗雷斯诺县缓刑转介的客户. This group meets for 10 weeks [2 week credit for risk assessment/full psychological evaluation].

  4. 一般临床 & 临床法医

    This rotation provides individual therapy to clients (adult 和 child) within the PSC with a wide variety of presenting problems 和 diagnoses; we also provide group therapy to at-risk populations both within 和 outside of the PSC. Therapeutic approach is based on the specific needs of each client. As a result, you will be exposed to a breadth of therapeutic orientations. 我们还提供:

    • Tulare County Competency Restoration
    • Tulare County Theft Diversion 程序
    • AB109 Recidivism Reduction Grant

  5. Forensic 和 Crisis Intervention

    This PSC rotation will focus on providing various empirically based cognitive 行为al treatment to adult 和 adolescent clients. 简单的治疗, Solution focused therapy, 印度生物技术部, 理情行为疗法, 和 Relapse Prevention paradigms will be explored depending on student interest 和 client needs. 这种轮转将为法医和/或急性精神病人群提供个人和团体治疗. We will also provide anger management groups 和 psychological assessment supervision. This rotation is focused on providing training working with difficult to treat populations such as, incarcerated/paroled clients, chronically mentally ill, personality disordered clients, 和 clients at high risk for hospitalization.


  6. Adult Psychotherapy Rotation

    Goals for this rotation include:

    • Conceptualizing people’s presenting problems from a psychodynamic, 人际关系, cognitive/行为al, 文化, 和 DSM V perspectives. The Gottman model of 夫妻治疗 will be the groundwork for couples work, with some use of emotion focused theory 和 technique.
    • Organizing treatment planning around an integration of the aforementioned points of view with the client/patients goals, internal/external resources, 和动力.
    • Integrating psychotherapy theory driven points of view with psychotherapy evidence based points of view about what constitutes “good therapy” for a particular person or persons being seen in the context of the service center by a student therapist 和 this supervisor.
    • Developing psychotherapy skills consistent with the aforementioned models of psychotherapy.
    • Developing skills for the proper documentation of the psychotherapy process 和 outcomes.
    • Developing skills for the assessment of the psychotherapy process 和 outcomes.
    • 开发利用反移情和移情反应的治疗收益和个人成长的方法.

  7. Therapy 和 Psychological Assessment Rotation

    This rotation will provide individual 和 group therapy to clients within the PSC for a wide variety of presenting problems 和 diagnoses. The therapeutic approach will be evidenced based treatment, 专注于各种各样适合认知行为疗法干预的表现问题. Group therapy will specifically focus on Dual Diagnosis 和 Personality Disorders, primarily centered on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy interventions (M. Linehan).

    This rotation will provide an opportunity to administer, 分数, 解释, 和 generate integrative reports that will be responsive of referrals for the following reasons:

    • Juvenile Court Assessments
    • 孩子 & Adult Cognitive Assessments
    • 孩子 & Adult Personality Assessments
    • Assessments for diagnostic impressions; Assessments to R/O Malingering
    • Disability Assessments

  8. 一般临床 – 孩子ren, Adolescents 和 Adults

    This rotation draws upon the traditions of developmental attachment theory, Winnicott’s version of object relations theory, more recent developments in 人际关系 neurobiology, to support development of a “therapeutic presence.” The focus of this rotation is on

    working with 青少年 和 adults in individual therapy. In working with children 和 teens, 家庭治疗 和/or work with parents will also be necessary.


  9. Health 心理学 Rotation

    This rotation focuses on developing clinical 和 assessment skills in the area of Health psychology 和 Medical 心理学. The skills you garner in this rotation are highly transferable to treating many mental health issues including 焦虑性障碍 such as OCD, 创伤后应激障碍, 广泛性焦虑症, 恐惧症, 和躯体问题. 主要 depression is also prevalent in those who are managing acute or chronic health issues.

    除了, 爱人有健康问题的伴侣和家庭成员可以接受治疗,以提高应对技能, 处理悲伤, or for help with problem solving. 最后, you will gain knowledge 和经验 working with clients where health issues could present as either a primary or a secondary issue.

Special Requirements of Applicants: