



While the typical method of paying for college is submitting a 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)在美国,联邦贷款并不是每个人的最佳选择. 在某些情况下, federal student aid may not cover all the expenses you need, 有些人可能根本不符合条件. 当然, 政府资助的贷款必须偿还, and interest rates aren’t always favorable to the recent college grad.

If you’re worried about paying for college and want to explore some options outside of federal student financial aid, Alliant可以提供帮助. From scholarships to public service opportunities and even tax credits, we’ve rounded up information on a number of alternative financial aid opportunities that can help you pay for school


万一你需要贷款,但是 不符合联邦学生援助(FSA)的资格在美国,你可以在联邦贷款之外找到贷款. A wide variety of private loans are available to help meet the cost of your education and there are many sites where students can browse and compare possible private lenders.

国际学生可以访问 国际教育财政援助(IEFA) to learn more about financial aid options for international students in the U.S. and explore options for international student loan programs.


虽然这看起来是个小选择, don’t overlook the ability of tax credits to help fund your higher education. 与扣除, 如何减少应纳税所得额, tax credits reduce the actual amount of income tax you pay each year. Two tax credits are available to help offset the cost of higher education:

  • 美国机会信贷

    的 美国机会税抵免 优惠高达2美元,500 per eligible student and can be claimed for the first four years of higher education. If the credit brings the amount of taxes that you owe down to 0, 剩余贷款的40%(1美元),可以退还给你. 才有资格获得贷款, 你的家庭收入必须少于80美元,如个别申请,则为5,000元, or $160,如与配偶共同申请,则须缴交5,000元.

  • 终身学习学分

    的 终身学习学分 is worth up to $2,000 and can be used for undergraduate or graduate degree programs. 不像美国机会信贷, this tax credit has no limit on the number of years you can claim it. 才有资格获得贷款, 你的家庭收入必须是52美元,如果单独申请,则不超过5,000美元, or $104,如果与配偶共同申请,则不超过5,000美元.


  • 康复科(DOR)

    为了符合DOR的资格,学生需要提供 职业康复服务授权书 for every semester/term the student has financial backing.

  • 美国志愿队: Corporation for National and Community Services

    要获得资格,学生必须登录他们的 美国志愿队 account and follow the steps to request their award for Alliant. Once the request is completed, a copy will be sent directly to Alliant for approval. 查看 教育奖常见问题.

  • Employer 学费 Assistance, Foreign Embassy Funding, Other Direct Payments

    资格, a letter of financial guarantee must be provided by the third-party sponsor prior to the beginning of the semester. 学生姓名, 时间保证, 应付金额, 发票地址或电子邮箱, beat365手机版官方网站必须包括在内.


了解更多退伍军人资源, 现役军人, 储备, 国民警卫队, 还有军队学生.



我们编制了一份美国境内组织的名单.S. that offer student financial aid in exchange for a public service commitment.



Alliant scholarships assist eligible students in making their education affordable so they can focus on their goals.